Conversation 3: M1 and F5

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Instructions given for the speakers
You think that newspaper are old-fashioned and that eventually nobody will read them. Instead, people will read their news on the Internet, like you do. You do not read newspapers at all.

You think that newspapers will survive the age of the Internet. You like to read your daily newspaper and believe in the future of newspapers as well.

– Starting the dialogue about newspapers
– Student A: expressing your opinion about the future of newspapers
– Student B: expressing your opinion about the future of newspapers
– Continuing the conversation and arguing for your own point of view
– Ending the conversation

Title Value
File format (in FUSE) mp3
Discussion tags newspapers, future, digitalization
Recording added to FUSE (date) 23.06.2015
Recorder and sender id 1
Student assessor (university student, MA programme in English Studies) id 11
Student assessor (university student, MA programme in English Studies) id 12
Teacher id 1
Transcriber id 1
Teacher's assessment based on students' conversation in part III of the exam
CEFR = Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
(see e.g. Europass)
Teacher id = 1
Skill areas in spoken English CEFR School grade
Interaction B2.1 8,5
Fluency B2.1 8
Pronunciation, intonation and stress B2.2 9
Vocabulary and structures B2.1 8,5
Grammar B2.1 8
Average value B2.1 8
Skill areas in spoken English CEFR School grade
Interaction B2.1 8,5
Fluency B2.1 8
Pronunciation, intonation and stress B2.1 8,5
Vocabulary and structures B2.1 8
Grammar B2.1 8
Average value B2.1 8
Students' assessments based on this conversation in part III of the exam
CEFR = Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
(see e.g. Europass)
Student id = 11
Skill areas in spoken English CEFR
Interaction B2
Fluency B2
Pronunciation, intonation and stress B2
Vocabulary and structures B2
Grammar B2
Average value B2
Student id = 12
Skill areas in spoken English CEFR
Interaction B2
Fluency B2
Pronunciation, intonation and stress B2.2-C1.1
Vocabulary and structures B2.1
Grammar B2
Average value B2

Link: a KWIC list and other statistical details of the conversation

Turns Speakers and utterances
1 M1: Alright erm... Ha- Have you read this new article about erm er Finnish ice hockey league er no Finnish ice hockey team Jokerit going to KHL?
2 F5: Yes I have, //why?//
3 M1: //Yeah// I dunno cause I mean I- I- I saw it on a paper I was like no one's reading those papers they should be online you know. People will get there a lot faster, no trash, no er no nothing man. It would be a lot easier if they would be online.
4 F5: No but mhm mhm I just- don't you just love it when you drink your morning coffee and you take the paper and you read it there on the... with your breakfast, d- don't you just love it? I d- I really- I do not like the... just the... internet version of //newspapers//
5 M1: //inaudible//
6 F5: //I mean I//
7 M1: //or I mean// if you can take a tablet you get your coffee, you get your morning bun and you er //[inaudible]//
8 F5: //Yeah but then you//
9 M1: it's the same thing man.
10 F5: No but then you're fingers are all greasy from your morning bun or whatever //and th- then you- when you//
11 M1: //Whatever, you can use// your left hand to eat it and right hand could scroll er
12 F5: No but I do really
13 M1: tablet.
14 F5: I really really do believe in pa- real actual papers and I- I //heard they gonna//
15 M1: //You do?//
16 F5: I th- I heard they're gonna survive the time of the internet.
17 M1: Okay so
18 F5: But I really believe into cause there's so many, so many people who still prefer the paper.
19 M1: Oh naa I- I bet you're right on that one there's a lot- there's a huge amount of people who prefer the paper before the online version but I think that it would be a good environmental solution to put the all papers online cause there would be no paper used then and I //think em [inaudible]//
20 F5: //Yeah but you can still recycle// the paper it's really easy to recycle.
21 M1: Yeah I mean it's easy to recycle but the amount of recycling it... I don't know how big is that I mean, is everyone recycling the paper or not?
22 F5: Yeah I think about like- I think most of the people are but I dunno if you li- live at Kauniainen and you just think of yourself then I dunno maybe not.
23 M1: Maybe not.
24 F5: [laugh]
25 M1: Yeah I don't read papers anyways
26 F5: Yeah
27 M1: I only read the online versions cause I don't know that's lot quicker and you can
28 F5: A-
29 M1: get to your section ra- lot easier you don't have to turn the pages.
30 F5: Yeah that's so much work! //I know I think you [inaudible]//.
31 M1: //I know right! I know// right I- I'm- I'm so weak that //like turning//
32 F5: //No but seriously//
33 M1: a page.
34 F5: I mean I think we need to hold on we need to stick on to the old things an- cause they are good, the- the newspaper has been for how many years? Hundreds of years.
35 M1: Mhm
36 F5: So why would we now have to dump it for this online version? I don't understand, of course it's easy if you can like check the paper in- in- on- on the tram on your way to school //or whatever//
37 M1: //Yeah yeah// that's what I mean.
38 F5: No! But that takes the whole point out of it cause
39 M1: Does it? //Does it really?//
40 F5: //It- it// really does and then you- if you just sit there in the tram looking at your phone, then you don't really pay attention wha- what else happening around you.
41 M1: Yeah you're quite right. Yeah I just should start reading those papers.
42 F5: Yes you should, good boy.
43 M1: Right.

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